Terms & Conditions

Becoming a BNP Partner is a privilege, we only accept certain individuals that will fit the criteria BNP seeks in a partner. Once you have submitted your application as a “BNP Partner” and have been accepted as a partner by BNP you are obliged to follow these terms and conditions:

  1. Any BNP customer that has purchased a mystery gift box for you (the partner) needs to receive at least a minimum level of appreciation being a “Thank you” text from your official social media accounts. Any customer complaints will be taken seriously and investigated by BNP. BNP will give you (the partner) a warning, the more complaints you (the partner) receive the lower your BNP Partner rating will go risking the chance of your BNP Partnership being terminated.
  2. Any BNP customer who has purchased a mystery gift box for you (the partner) needs to speak to the customers in a proper manner, any complaints from customers will be taken seriously and will be investigated by BNP. BNP will give you (the partner) a warning, the more complaints you (the partner) receives the lower your BNP Partner rating will go risking the chance of your BNP Partnership being terminated.
  3. BNP Luxury is not obliged to promote you (the partner’s) brand to receive luxury gift boxes. It is the partner’s duty to promote their own partnership with BNP and inform their followers/fans to click on their personalized link and purchase a gift box in return for a level of appreciation to the customer.
  4. Once a partner has received a luxury gift box from a follower/fan they are allowed to do what they wish with these luxury gifts within reason such as (give the items to friends/family or sell the items online)
  5. BNP Luxury under no condition gives cash or any form of payment directly to the BNP Partner.
  6. A BNP Partnership is not to be considered an official job or a contractual job.
  7. The BNP Partner is free to terminate their partnership at any point in time the partner wishes. If the partner terminates their partnership, their BNP link will be revoked and will not be active. There is no penalty for terminating the partnership from either BNP Luxury or the Partner.
  8. BNP Luxury is not liable for any unlawful activity committed by a BNP Partner.